Friday, May 13, 2016

Enhance storytelling, interaction by adding polls, surveys and infographics

Adding a poll to your content from Mark Davidson on Vimeo.

This tutorial is part of a curriculum for beginning journalism/communication students. The lesson centers on how adding polls, surveys and infographics to written content to make our multimedia news cite will help us interact with readers and gather data and public opinion to plan future stories and allow readers to react to current published stories.

The video was created with Camtasia 2, which was a new program for me, but one I hope to purchase as I create a new multimedia program curriculum. With Camtasia, I can simplify what may seem to be a complex and difficult task for my students, who will have had no prior journalism or media experience. Using the program was quite intuitive and user friendly. Without using the tutorial, I was able to teach myself the basics simply by playing, and I feel that is a great way to learn. In this spirit, I want to introduce my students to the basics, but I want them to have authentic learning experiences by playing and doing. This is one of the reasons I'm really drawn to projects like this one: not only am I able to learn, but I also am able to acquire new skills through exploration.

This particular lesson encourages students to add interactive content for a variety of purposes. They are asked to create a survey, publish it, collect data, and use that data to create an infographic that could accompany a story published on our site. The lesson spans a period of four days, and allows students to self-evaluate and reflect. It includes homework assignments and a rubric for evaluation and feedback.

To access these materials, click on "Pages" then "Multimedia Lesson Plans" or "Assignments/Rubrics" in the top right corner of this page.

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